Following publishing industry standards, I use The Chicago Manual of Style and The Merriam-Webster Dictionary as reference guides.
I accept Microsoft Word or Pages files; however, I prefer to work in Microsoft Word. I use the Track Changes feature for editing and the Comments feature for additional suggestions or questions. No text changes are made to the manuscript without your review or approval.
I strongly suggest authors consider scheduling both editing and proofreading services. Editing is an in-depth review and could require extensive rewrites. After the author has reviewed the edited version, revising and rewriting where needed, the manuscript should then be proofread to ensure grammar, flow, and consistency are still correct. Using both services can only help to nearly perfect* your manuscript before publishing.
*Please understand that no book is ever perfect. While I try my best to take care of an author’s work, final responsibility belongs to the author. All authors are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the final manuscript before publishing.
Editing service goes beyond simply reviewing grammar.
How does the story flow? Is there variety? Are you using the correct words for the context? Do you avoid repetition? Are you being consistent? If not, then I provide suggestions for your consideration.
In addition to correcting grammar (including spelling and punctuation), typographical errors, and formatting inconsistencies, editing also involves the following:
- Character development: Does the dialogue, voice/tone, and point of view help the story move along?
- Clarity: Overall, is your story clear? Will your readers be able to follow along without pausing in confusion?
- Consistency: Are words, phrases, names, descriptions, grammar, and so on consistent throughout the story?
- Fact-checking: Are factual references correct? Are you using the correct terminology? Examples: Is the musician’s name, album, or song correct? Does the car model exist, or is the mechanical problem described accurate?
- Flow: Does each phrase, sentence, dialogue, paragraph, or scene easily flow or make sense? Are you providing transitions between changing scenes?
- Sentence structure: Are you writing with various sentence structures to give the story more depth?
- Tense: Are you consistently using the correct verb tense throughout the story?
- Word choice: Are you avoiding repetition and providing a variety of words to keep the story fresh?
Proofreading service is basically a line-by-line edit. Review focuses on correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, word choice (as in homophones), obvious missing words (like a, an, the), and other glaring grammatical mistakes. This does not include fixing or commenting on things that should have been addressed and corrected during editing, like consistency in verb tense, details or actions, flow, or fact-checking, et cetera.
This service is offered only if your manuscript has been professionally edited previously.
Synopsis Writing
Website Content Editing
Terms and Conditions
Author is hiring Jovana Shirley (Editor) to review submitted original work. A $75 nonrefundable deposit per manuscript per service is due to reserve time in the schedule and will be applied to the final payment. Author agrees to pay total amount invoiced on original manuscript submitted to Editor. A nonrefundable estimated half of total amount is due when the manuscript is turned over to Editor before Editor starts work. A nonrefundable final payment is due upon conclusion of Editor’s work before the revised manuscript is returned to Author.
To reschedule turnover date, Author agrees to provide at least one month’s notice before the scheduled date. Editor will accommodate Author according to Editor’s schedule at the time of notice. If Author does not reschedule or no manuscript is submitted by turnover date, Author forfeits deposit, and deposit cannot be applied to services scheduled in the future.
Author agrees to credit Editor on the copyright page, including Editor’s personal and business name with website address. Any images created by Editor are copyrighted to Editor and cannot be reused without Editor’s written permission. Author agrees to send Editor the published book in electronic or print version.
With the exception of promoting Author and books on the Editor’s social sites and website, Editor agrees not to disclose anything read or learned to any other person or for any personal gain, pecuniary or otherwise, before the book publishes or without prior written permission from Author.
Author agrees he/she/they is submitting his/her/their original content for services. Upon manuscript submission, Author will alert Editor if a ghostwriter has been used, and if so, Author agrees to allow Editor to run content through an online plagiarism scanner.
Author understands that no manuscript is ever perfect. While the Editor does her best to take care of Author’s work, Author is strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the final manuscript before publishing.
Final responsibility belongs solely to Author. Editor takes no responsibility and accepts no liability for damages or costs caused by, including but not limited to, any errors left in the manuscript or plagiarism by Author.
*Editor reserves the right to change rates and charge additional fees with written notice. Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice. In addition to this agreement, Author agrees to information posted on Editor’s website (www.unforeseenediting.com).
A nonrefundable paid deposit also serves as Author’s agreement to these terms and conditions. All payments are nonrefundable.
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